17 September 2024
1 year ago
President of Ukraine Zelensky had a phone call with President of Poland Duda
1 year ago
Polish volunteer dies from injuries sustained near Bakhmut. A Polish volunteer Marek Mastalerz, died from injuries sustained near Bakhmut, the Nehemiah Initiative wrote on March 27
1 year ago
Hungarian parliament approves Finland's Nato membership
Deputy Prime Minister @mblaszczak, head of @MON_GOV_PL: Today we are witnessing the inauguration of the permanent presence of the US garrison on Polish soil. This is an important event in the history of Poland and Polish-American relations. We greatly appreciate the fact that US troops are permanently in our country
FM @Haavisto: Good meeting with FM Szijjarto in Brussels. He confirmed that Hungary will approve Finland's NATO bid on 27 March. Thanked him for regular discussions throughout the process
.@Kaminski_M_, @MSWiA_GOV_PL: In recent days, the Internal Security Agency has detained 9 people suspected of collaborating with the Russian special services. The suspects conducted intelligence activities against Poland and prepared an act of diversion commissioned by Russian intelligence
.@pzydzpl: we believe that Ukraine will be a member of the EU and NATO in the future. It is also in our interest, Ukraine has great potential. Poland and the Czech Republic will be Ukraine's advocates in accession
.@pzydzpl: MIG-29 aircraft remain active in defense of Poland. We are literally shipping them to Ukraine at the moment, we have a dozen of them. In the first place, we hand over fully operational four aircraft. They will be replaced by FA-50 and F-35 machines
.@Europarl_EN adopted a resolution on Belarus on Wednesday, which – among others – states that the EP deplores the February trip to Minsk by Hungarian MFA Péter Szijjártó. The EP stresses the importance of "diplomatic isolation of the current government"
The official visit of the President of the Czech Republic @prezidentpavel begins. Poland is the second country, after Slovakia, to be visited by the newly elected president. This is a sign that Polish-Czech relations are very good and both sides want their continuation
EU officials: a Polish medical team has been granted access to Saakashvili. No date yet when they will travel to Georgia. and this is NOT about a transfer of the former President to Poland or elsewhere
The Internal Security Agency of Poland detained six people suspected of spying for Russia
Poland could give Ukraine MiG-29 fighter jets in the coming four to six weeks, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Tuesday
Emmanuel Macron receives Victor Orban at the Élysée to discuss "unity" against Moscow
Petr Pavel is sworn in as president of Czechia1 year ago
Petr Pavel is sworn in as president of Czechia
1 year ago
The Hungarian government has been postponing the vote for over six months. Both Orbán and the President have asked the MPs to approve the accession, but some MP's need more convincing
.@WasikMaciej: I do not exclude the possibility that we will not have any border traffic with Belarus
PM of Ukraine Shmygal: Leopard 2 tanks are already in Ukraine. Together with Prime Minister @MorawieckiM, we met the first tanks provided by partners. We are grateful to Poland1 year ago
PM of Ukraine Shmygal: Leopard 2 tanks are already in Ukraine. Together with Prime Minister @MorawieckiM, we met the first tanks provided by partners. We are grateful to Poland
PM of Poland @MorawieckiM met with President of Ukraine @ZelenskyyUa1 year ago
PM of Poland @MorawieckiM met with President of Ukraine @ZelenskyyUa
Poland expels a diplomat from Belarus in a reciprocal measure
Minister of Defense of Poland Mariusz Błaszczak: We have started a preventive expansion of security measures on the border with Russia and Belarus. This is part of our defense and deterrence strategy. The first fortifications are already being placed on the border with the Kaliningrad Oblast
President Joe Biden reaffirms U.S. commitment to NATO while meeting with leaders of the Bucharest Nine. "We will defend literally every inch of NATO"
Poland hosts the Bucharest Nine B9 Summit of 9 NATO Eastern Flank countries. President Biden @potus is also present as a sign of American commitment to US military presence in this region
Biden addresses the Russian people: "The US and the nations of Europe do not seek to control or destroy Russia. The West was not plotting to attack Russia, as Putin said today. This war was never a necessity. It's a tragedy. President Putin chose this war
Biden on Russian forces: "They have committed depravities. Crimes against humanity, without shame or compunction. They've targeted civilians with death and destruction, used rape as a weapon of war. Stolen Ukrainian children in an attempt to steal Ukraine's future
Biden: "When President Putin ordered his tanks to roll into Ukraine, he thought we would roll over. He was wrong. The Ukrainian people are too brave. we were too unified. Democracy was too strong”
"Kyiv stands strong. . and most important, it stands free" - Biden in Warsaw
Presidents @AndrzejDuda and @POTUS at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw
On Monday evening, at the Presidential Palace, President Andrzej Duda met with the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, Giorgia Meloni
US President Joe Biden arrived in Przemyśl by train from Ukraine