17 September 2024
5 month ago
Head of Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary Péter Szijártó are preparing a meeting between Zelenskyi and Orban, the Office of the President reported
5 month ago
Polish protesters renewed blocking of border crossings with Ukraine
5 month ago
Polish Border Guard: Patrols repelled an attempt by over 220 people to illegally cross the border. The migrants were aggressive - they threw tree branches and stones. Dangerous tools were confiscated from foreigners. the immigrants retreated deeper into Belarus
Exit poll results for city mayoral elections - local elections in Polands
Exit poll results for local elections 2024 in Poland
5 month ago
Tens of thousands of Hungarians, led by former gov insider Péter Magyar, protested against Orbán's leadership today
Poland's Foreign Ministry: The Israeli ambassador apologized after the killing of a Polish aid worker in Gaza
Poland's Foreign Ministry: We submitted a protest note to the Israeli ambassador over the killing of a Polish aid worker in Gaza
Poland’s PM Tusk: Mr PM Netanyahu, Ambassador Livne, the vast majority of Poles has shown full solidarity with Israel after the Hamas attack. Today, you are putting this solidarity to a really tough test. The tragic attack on volunteers and your reaction understandably provoke anger
On April 1, four U.S. Air Force F-35s assigned to the 48th Fighter Wing at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, U.K., began operations at Lask Air Base, Poland, as part of the U.S.’s continued support to safeguarding NATO’s Eastern Flank, per @HQUSAFEAFAF
Poland has suspended participation in the treaty on conventional armed forces in Europe
The Ukrainian delegation arrived in Warsaw. Today, the governments of Poland and Ukraine are to discuss the problem of the border blockade
Thousands gathered near Prosecutor General's office in Budapest Tuesday evening at the call of Péter Magyar. We won't allow the biggest legal and political scandal of the last thirty years to be hushed up, he said in his speech. Photo: Lujza Hevesi-Szabó / Telex5 month ago
Thousands gathered near Prosecutor General's office in Budapest Tuesday evening at the call of Péter Magyar. "We won't allow the biggest legal and political scandal of the last thirty years to be hushed up," he said in his speech. Photo: Lujza Hevesi-Szabó / Telex
After meeting Alexei Likhachev, the head of Russian nuclear energy company Rosatom, in Sochi, FM Péter Szijjártó said the upgrade of Hungary's nuclear power plant in Paks will stand as a "long-term guarantee" of Hungary's competitiveness
Lukashenka visits Belarusian troops near the Suwalki corridor and quizzes the commander about how he will fight the Baltic states and conquer a part of Poland to link up Belarus and Kaliningrad5 month ago
Lukashenka visits Belarusian troops near the Suwalki corridor and quizzes the commander about how he will fight the Baltic states and conquer a part of Poland to link up Belarus and Kaliningrad
Russian Ambassador to Poland refusing to appear after Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has summoned him to discuss violation of Polish airspace by Russian missile
5 month ago
Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjártó visits Russia, where he will take part in the Atomexpo forum
In response to the violation of Polish airspace, a NATO official says “NATO has significantly enhanced our posture on our eastern flank, including with allied jets to protect Polish skies. We continue to assess our posture and remain ready protect and defend all allies.”
5 month ago
March 24 this year at. 4.23, there was a violation of Polish airspace by one of the cruise missiles launched this night by long-range aviation of the Russian Federation. The targets of the strikes were towns in western Ukraine - it was reported. The missile stayed over Poland for 39 seconds and was monitored by military radar systems the entire time.
State Department announced potential sale of air-launched cruise missiles to Poland
6 month ago
European Parliament to sue EU-Commission over released funds for Hungary. (Vote in Legal Affairs Committee: 16 /1-). Response to Von der Leyen unlocking 10bn for Orban in exchange for his veto
President @andrzejduda at the National Security Council announces work on updating the National Security Strategy. It indicates the beginning of next year as the date of adoption of the document. The 2020 Strategy is currently in force
6 month ago
Hungary will oppose Mark Rutte’s NATO candidacy, foreign minister says
Ukrainian and Polish Foreign Ministers discussed current affairs in the phone call
Polish protesters are blocking 6 border crossings with Ukraine, not allowing truck to pass, even with equipment for Ukrainian Armed Forces6 month ago
Polish protesters are blocking 6 border crossings with Ukraine, not allowing truck to pass, even with equipment for Ukrainian Armed Forces
6 month ago
Two B1B bombers have been deployed to an air base in northern Sweden, where they will cooperate not only with the Swedish armed forces, but with all allies in the region
Prime Minister @donaldtusk: I have called an agricultural summit in Warsaw for tomorrow, at 2:00 p.m. I will meet with the leaders of protesting groups at the Dialogue Center
Polish Prime Minister Tusk: we are talking to the Ukrainian side about completely closing the border with Ukraine(for goods), but it would be a temporary solution
Farmers are protesting in Warsaw today
6 month ago
Kremlin spokesperson says Hungary's PM Orban fears of joint border with Russia is are baseless