28 September 2024
11 Monat zuvor
Polish Border Guard: On November 1, 86 people tried to cross the border from Belarus illegally. citizens of Iran, Somalia, including 18 people At the sight of the patrols, 18 people turned back to PSG Białowieża after crossed the river illegally. At PSG Dubicze Cerkiewne patrols were thrown with stones
Die Ukraine hat ein Treffen mit Polen und der Europäischen Kommission bezüglich der drohenden Grenzschließung eingeleitet. Dies wurde im Pressedienst des Ministeriums für Gemeindeentwicklung, Territorien und Infrastruktur der Ukraine gemeldet11 Monat zuvor
Die Ukraine hat ein Treffen mit Polen und der Europäischen Kommission bezüglich der drohenden Grenzschließung eingeleitet. Dies wurde im Pressedienst des Ministeriums für Gemeindeentwicklung, Territorien und Infrastruktur der Ukraine gemeldet
After three people were killed in armed clashes between people-smugglers, Serbian and Hungarian police agreed to work together in the Serbia-Hungary border area to tackle the criminal gangs involved11 Monat zuvor
After three people were killed in armed clashes between people-smugglers, Serbian and Hungarian police agreed to work together in the Serbia-Hungary border area to tackle the criminal gangs involved
11 Monat zuvor
Ungarischer Premierminister: EU-Strategie zur Ukraine ist „gescheitert"
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto arrived in Belarus on board the Hungarian Dassault Falcon 7X government business jet, which landed at Minsk National Airport at 08:18 today. He will participate in the international conference “Eurasian security: reality and prospects in a transforming world.”11 Monat zuvor
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto arrived in Belarus on board the Hungarian Dassault Falcon 7X government business jet, which landed at Minsk National Airport at 08:18 today. He will participate in the international conference “Eurasian security: reality and prospects in a transforming world.”
11 Monat zuvor
Sweden PM says he doesn't set any dates for his country's NATO entry and that he got assurances that Hungary won't delay the process
11 Monat zuvor
Hungarians protested in front of Russian embassy
Biden spricht darüber, dass Putin mit der Ukraine nicht aufhören wird. Biden verspricht, „jeden Zentimeter des NATO-Territoriums" zu verteidigen und „versucht nicht, US-Truppen in Russland kämpfen zu lassen".
U.S. Embassy in Budapest: The official statement by the Hungarian government spokesperson about @USAmbHungary is simply false. While they & their media apparatus spent the days after the PM’s meeting with Putin crafting falsehoods, we were consulting with Allies about Hungary’s relationship with Russia11 Monat zuvor
U.S. Embassy in Budapest: The official statement by the Hungarian government spokesperson about @USAmbHungary is simply false. While they & their media apparatus spent the days after the PM’s meeting with Putin crafting falsehoods, we were consulting with Allies about Hungary’s relationship with Russia
11 Monat zuvor
Hungary’s NATO allies, represented by their ambassadors to Budapest, just had an extraordinary meeting at the US Embassy. They discussed security concerns over PM Orbán’s shocking bilateral talks with Putin in Beijing
@PM_ViktorOrban held bilateral talks with Russian President Putin in Beijing. The two leaders discussed Hungarian-Russian cooperation in the fields of gas and oil supplies and nuclear energy. During the meeting, PM Orbán stressed the importance of peace. He said that it was crucial for the whole continent, including Hungary, that the flood of refugees, sanctions and fighting should end11 Monat zuvor
@PM_ViktorOrban held bilateral talks with Russian President Putin in Beijing. The two leaders discussed Hungarian-Russian cooperation in the fields of gas and oil supplies and nuclear energy. During the meeting, PM Orbán stressed the importance of peace. He said that it was crucial for the whole continent, including Hungary, that the flood of refugees, sanctions and fighting should end
Poland final election results:  PiS 35,4% 198 seats; KO 30,7%   151; Third Way 14,4% 65; Left 8,6%  28; Confederation 7,2%   17; KO Third Way Left = 244 seats absolute majority11 Monat zuvor
Poland final election results: PiS 35,4% 198 seats; KO 30,7% 151; Third Way 14,4% 65; Left 8,6% 28; Confederation 7,2% 17; KO Third Way Left = 244 seats absolute majority
Poland, national parliament election results (39.29% counted): PiS-ECR: 39%; KO-EPP RE G/EFA: 27%; TD PL2050/PSL-RE EPP: 14%; NL-S&D: 8%; Kon~NI: 7%; BS- 2%; PJJ- 2%  Wybory202311 Monat zuvor
Poland, national parliament election results (39.29% counted): PiS-ECR: 39%; KO-EPP RE G/EFA: 27%; TD PL2050/PSL-RE EPP: 14%; NL-S&D: 8%; Kon~NI: 7%; BS- 2%; PJJ- 2% Wybory2023
11 Monat zuvor
Polish opposition leader Donald Tusk said that three opposition parties had enough votes to win the general election on Sunday after an exit poll said they had enough votes to oust the governing conservative nationalist Law and Justice party
Major police deployment in central Warsaw with reports that this man is claiming he has a bomb. Reasons unclear. Streets around are all blocked off11 Monat zuvor
Major police deployment in central Warsaw with reports that this man is claiming he has a bomb. Reasons unclear. Streets around are all blocked off
Market square in Sandomierz - a rally with the participation of @pisorgpl leaders, one of the last accents of the campaign. Election silence in just over 5 hours11 Monat zuvor
Market square in Sandomierz - a rally with the participation of @pisorgpl leaders, one of the last accents of the campaign. Election silence in just over 5 hours
Hungary's Foreign Minister in Moscow, Russia, and Orban in Tbilisi, Georgia11 Monat zuvor
Hungary's Foreign Minister in Moscow, Russia, and Orban in Tbilisi, Georgia
11 Monat zuvor
Das tschechische Außenministerium ruft den russischen Botschafter wegen Angriffen auf die Ukraine vor
11 Monat zuvor
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - Poland-Slovakia border region
11 Monat zuvor
Minister of National Defense of Poland: The Polish Army is preparing to evacuate Poles from Israel. We will send C-130 Hercules transport planes for our compatriots
F-16 werden nach Polen entsandt, um die Ostflanke der NATO zu stärken
12 Monat zuvor
Tschechische Republik und Polen führen Kontrollen an der Grenze zur Slowakei ein
Am Cyber Commanders Forum nehmen für Cybersicherheit verantwortliche Kommandeure aus 35 Ländern auf allen Kontinenten teil – darunter NATO-Länder aus Europa und Nordamerika sowie verbündete und Partnerländer aus anderen Regionen – darunter die Ukraine sowie Australien, Brasilien und Japan , oder Singapur
18th Motorized Brigade based in Poniatowa - we are starting the formation of the fourth brigade @Zelazna_Dywizja -Today, Minister @mblaszczak signed a decision regarding the creation of another unit within @Zelazna_Dywizja, i.e. the 18th Motorized Brigade. As the head of the Ministry of National Defense emphasized, it will be a brigade located in five towns in the Lublin Voivodeship and the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. The new military unit will complement the Iron Division's high mobility capabilities12 Monat zuvor
18th Motorized Brigade based in Poniatowa - we are starting the formation of the fourth brigade @Zelazna_Dywizja -Today, Minister @mblaszczak signed a decision regarding the creation of another unit within @Zelazna_Dywizja, i.e. the 18th Motorized Brigade. As the head of the Ministry of National Defense emphasized, it will be a brigade located in five towns in the Lublin Voivodeship and the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. The new military unit will complement the Iron Division's high mobility capabilities
12 Monat zuvor
AFP: Polen und die Ukraine haben eine Einigung über die noch offenen Fragen beim ukrainischen Getreidetransport erzielt
12 Monat zuvor
Minister @mblaszczak: I am criticized by the opposition for acquiring too much military equipment for the Polish Army. But I will be consistent, I will equip the Polish Army with a large amount of military equipment, because this is a condition for deterrence
Photo from the scene of an extensive fire at an agricultural building in the village of Šonov in the Broumovsk region. Photo: Vojta Elias1 Jahr zuvor
Photo from the scene of an extensive fire at an agricultural building in the village of Šonov in the Broumovsk region. Photo: Vojta Elias
1 Jahr zuvor
Hungary blocked EU statement which condemns the military operation by Azerbaijan
Polen hat klargestellt, dass es „weiterhin hinter der Ukraine steht", sagt der nationale Sicherheitsberater des Weißen Hauses, Jake Sullivan
Premierminister @MorawieckiM für @PolsatNewsPL: Die Ukraine verteidigt sich gegen den brutalen russischen Angriff und ich verstehe diese Situation, aber wie gesagt, wir werden unser Land schützen. Wir transferieren keine Waffen mehr in die Ukraine, weil wir jetzt Polen bewaffnen